Lock A Folder WithOut Any Softwear Only Using Notepad

Not long ago put the posters before, took a new job Here   came today .... brought to trick someone important one is a kind of ... 'Cause, like everyone here, that private things private things here ....   mean, their important 
personal files, videos, data .... these things things, we usually is hidden .... Some people have  hidden  to be true ..... remember the last,  I am  one inside any picture One file showed that encountered the way .... I could keep anything hidden. Some people, something to use software, personal things that others do not get that  lock to .... 

So today  say daft, that's like our own things can not be anyone else like  folder lock  of how pressing ..... Specialty if any software is not, this is the way we're doing this .... right balamaukaeā ...... 
Okay first you,   am giving one full code .... do not miss your copy of any letter And do not try to change the code .... ok ..... Here is a code ... This copy karagananakaeā ..... 


title Folder Locker by www.alltrics4me.blogspot.com:  
if EXIST " Panel's control unit. 21EC2020-3AEA-{1069}-A2DD-08002B30309D "goto UNLOCK 
if NOT EXIST Locker goto 
echo SL.Net ... ::: ::: ... 
echo: ----- -------------------------: 
echo: At Please Visit Us:: 
echo: www.alltrics4me.blogspot.com: 
echo: - -----------------------------: 
echo Are You Sure, You Want to Lock the Folder (Y / N) 
set / p "cho =>" 
if cho% Y% == goto LOCK 
if cho%% y == goto LOCK 
if cho%% n == END goto 
if cho% N% goto == END 
echo Invalid choice. 
Locker ren "Control Panel. {21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" 
attrib + h + s "Control Panel. {21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" 
echo Folder locked 
echo ... SL.Net ::: ... ::: 
echo: ------------------------------: 
echo: Please Us At visit:: 
echo: www.alltrics4me.blogspot.com: 
echo: ------------------------------ : 
echo Enter Password to Unlock the Folder ... 
set / p "pass =>" 
if NOT% pass% == Slnet goto FAIL 
attrib -s the -h "Control Panel. {21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D } 
"ren" Control Panel. {21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} "Locker 
echo Folder Unlocked successfully 
End: FAIL 
echo SL.Net ... ::: ::: ... 
echo: - ----------------------------: 
echo: At Please Visit Us:: 
echo: www.alltrics4me.blogspot.com: 
echo: ------------------------------: 
echo Invalid password 
md Locker 
echo Locker created successfully 
goto End 
: End 

Now notepad one open carry, we copy one instance a code to paste. One line of code you are inside on here. (On the above code, the line will be shown where the)

if NOT %pass%== Tricks goto FAIL

Now you have line  Slnet  that word ..... Here you have the word out, there's a word you want to type numbers or. We think, you know .... that there were 12345 type mean DEAL ....

if NOT %pass%==12345 goto FAIL

Now you say that 12345 is, we do not lock the folder one password to remember one thing .... So .... Just right now ... if you have after giving a password, you have code on the notepad to save I needed to.  Ctrl + s  obananakaeā .... so ... we will save you a code to save to do this. Ctrl + s okay after a new window will open ... of there, we can give a name to save the code together.   "Locker.bat" to 
make save it. (To save anywhere), we change the code to save, and now it's just the reality ....

Now you  locker.bat  that indicate one open ... like this ... when open

See I have a say be true ...  Enter Password to Unlock the Folder ...  That's there that you previously gave Enter your password to one type.  I have  before that type  12345, because I'm  that type Enter to do ...

There are currently  Locker  to a new folder that stuff right there .... now over 50% worked .... Now you need to hide any file you put into a folder named Locker is, again, that 
to open that locker.bat . Now here's one that says ....  Are You Sure, You Want to Lock the Folder (Y / N) 
If you now want to lock one folder "y" to type Enter to do. And that will not see a folder named Locker ..... now if you wanted to say Locker folder again, locker.bat that one to open, password type is like when done Enter Locker folder that comes now ..... Well okay ..... you can work like this, you get a folder named Locker hide any file ........ left right over my work ...... 

I thought we're not finished .. .The world have anything, any .... someone has a failure .... We can have a lot of weaknesses retro like to see as much less .... weaknesses before you know what some weaknesses ōnanae ... So .... .Odd ahagananakaeā 

you like this folder to heart lets one lock, password one can not do without it open to the true one ..... .... That's how pressing one weakness .... You know? SAYS .... 
locker.bat that one right click on Edit to go together .... That is not seen ?? Before that together we notepad wearing former code is not open this happened .... Now, you have code on  if NOT% pass% == SevenNet goto FAIL  that line SevenNet  played like a password that claim, it gets back to save, work done ... And that is open when locker.bat ask us, we previously given password that is not asking ... It is ... So the new password to someone who can, you look nice little file did lock .... . 

Let's do it ..... how about this one small weakness if need only download software .... here  ... 300 KB.
A: The software does, we say that adoptive locker.bat one bat file, exe file to convert one to one. exe file would we convert one, to edit to click right on that one way we can take care of the things I kept one ... So let us know you want to do the job we need to first .... What Are the software, your computer is The 32 bit, 64 bit and see how I do it ... or go SAYS ... My Computer on the right click to properties. Now take care of there right now, then you did it .... download Bat_To_Exe_Converter.rar  one  is open. Now, if your computer is 32 bit, of there Windows (32 bit) that folder to open it. 32 bit is not open to the other one. Now Bat_To_Exe_Converter.exe  that file to open it. It's like this ....

Batch file:  that's one click button to the front, click on that file that locker.bat put one's open. Now  Compile  that gets the job done in one click .... want more security if one can give the exe file Armed password. One is, there you have  Encrypt the program  to a password that would place a tick put together that password. If want more, there you have the top  Versioninformations  that tab, go like an icon, the exe file can give you everything together ... to  Compile say one click when done right .... locker.bat that one file was everywhere  locker. exe  that has a file ... Now locker.bat 
say that delete off.

 Now you want to take that anytime Locker folder names,  locker.exe  that one file to open, password to one type Enter that folder to see who walk Locker ..... Here, you're done reading the whole post one So ..... like this ....

a comment if something wrong with the stage ..... !!
